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Contact Us or Call Us 03 57297579  Mobile 0409911703

You will also find us on Facebook and Air B & B under the Yurt Alpine Retreat.  You will find us friendly people and don't be put off by my husbands name "John Jarrott" it can be very interesting telling your friends you have been  camping with John Jarrott but we are on the Boggy Creek not Wolf Creek. Picture at right is not my husband sneaking up on an unsuspecting guest but a guest chopping wood while his girlfriend photographed him interesting silhouette I thought.

A guest captured this photo of her partner chopping wood
The Yurt Alpine Retreat


Our house is situated at:-

234 Evans Lane,

Myrrhee, Vic. Australia.


Phone:  03 57297579 or mobile 0409911703

John Jarrott and wife Sharon don't let the name scare you.

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