Sholawat Basyairul Khairat: The Benefits and Virtues of the Prayer of Good News by Syekh Abdul Qadir al-Jailani
Sholawat Basyairul Khairat is one of the most popular prayers among Muslims who love and follow the teachings of Syekh Abdul Qadir al-Jailani, a renowned Sufi scholar and the founder of the Qadiriyya order. This prayer is composed of verses from the Quran that convey glad tidings to the believers, as well as praises and blessings to Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), who received this prayer from Allah through divine inspiration.
Sholawat Basyairul Khairat.pdf
In this article, we will explore the origin, meaning, benefits and virtues of Sholawat Basyairul Khairat, as well as provide a link to download the PDF version of this prayer for your convenience.
The Origin of Sholawat Basyairul Khairat
According to Syekh Abdul Qadir al-Jailani himself, he received this prayer from Allah through divine inspiration, which was conveyed to him by Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). He said to his disciples:
\"Take this prayer from me, for I have taken it from Allah by inspiration.\"[^1^]
Syekh Abdul Qadir al-Jailani was a man of high spiritual rank and close connection with Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), who could visit him in his dreams or visions. The scholars have agreed that Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) can visit his chosen ones, whether they are awake or asleep, including Syekh Abdul Qadir al-Jailani.
There is no specific history or background behind the writing of this prayer. However, this does not mean that it has no benefits or virtues. Allah would not give a specific prayer or recitation to anyone if it did not have any good in it.
The Meaning of Sholawat Basyairul Khairat
The word \"Basyairul\" means \"the bringer of good news\" or \"the giver of glad tidings\", while \"Khairat\" means \"good things\" or \"blessings\". Therefore, Sholawat Basyairul Khairat can be translated as \"the prayer of good news\" or \"the prayer of blessings\".
This prayer consists of several verses from the Quran that contain good news for the believers in various aspects of their faith and deeds, such as belief, remembrance, action, repentance, sincerity, prayer, charity, fasting, pilgrimage, patience, gratitude, forgiveness, mercy and paradise. Each verse is followed by a salutation and blessing to Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), who is the bearer and deliverer of these good news to his followers.
The text of Sholawat Basyairul Khairat is quite long. You can find the full text in Arabic, translation and transliteration of this prayer at NU Online Super App: (Android and iOS).
The Benefits and Virtues of Sholawat Basyairul Khairat
As mentioned earlier, Sholawat Basyairul Khairat has many benefits and virtues for those who recite it regularly and sincerely. Some of them are:
It increases one's love for Allah and His Messenger (peace be upon him).
It brings peace and tranquility to one's heart and mind.
It protects one from evil and calamities.
It grants one's wishes and desires.
It facilitates one's sustenance and livelihood.
It expiates one's sins and mistakes.
It elevates one's rank and status in this world and the hereafter.
It attracts the mercy and forgiveness of Allah.
It intercedes for one on the Day of Judgment.
It admits one to paradise and saves one from hellfire.
These are some of the benefits and virtues that Syekh Abdul Qadir al-Jailani mentioned in his book c481cea774